
August 15, 2022: Daily Blixa

Theater: Wie man aus vielen Dingen eines macht. [Theatre: How to make one thing out of many.]

August 14, 2022: Daily Blixa

Ich wusste das es stimmt, aber ich habe es frei erfunden. [I knew it was true, but I made it up.]

Official Video: “In Time”

by Danny Elfman, featuring Blixa Bargeld.

August 12, 2022: Daily Blixa

if things repeat, you might as well say that time is reversed.

August 11, 2022: Daily Blixa

Der Mond ist in Ostberlin. [The moon is in East-Berlin.]

August 10, 2022: Daily Blixa

Your palate is there to make senses.

August 9, 2022: Daily Blixa

Alte Seele, wird nicht mehr wiedergeboren: Blick auf die Hände: 8 Spargel. [Old soul, will not be reborn again: Look at the hands: 8 Asparagus.]

August 8, 2022: Daily Blixa

Do you want to go to my place and have some fresh air?