March 23, 2021: Daily Blixa

Dinge, die nicht funktionieren:


[Things that don’t work:


  1. Dinge, die nicht funktionieren: Schlaf.

    Seelen sich in deinem Körper sträuben
    Gebunden an der Wildheit bös Getier
    Mnemosyne nur die Sinne dir kann täuben
    Gießt Schatten sanft ins Auge dir

    Ein Schierling für das Herz

  2. So fun fact: I’m currently lying in bed. I worked from 6-11 this morning on <6 hours’ sleep. I thought, “I’ll have a nap.”

    What I had failed to consider was that I had drunk a lot of coffee to cope with my earlier lack of sleep. I’m definitely tired, but the caffeine won’t let me sleep.

    Sleep is currently not working.


    • we tweak to the almighty coffee bean being

  3. The acceptance of broken sleep may be the only answer

  4. Sleep…that stranger.

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