Mar. 14, 2022: Daily Blixa

Es stimmt: Es geht um das Verlieren der Kontrolle, es geht immernoch um das Verlieren der Kontrolle. Was ist, wird perforiert, kontrolliert perforiert, alles andere ist dann

das Hereinschlagen, das Leckschlagen, ist der Kontrolle entzogen. Es muss gezielt perforiert werden, wie ein Gebäude von Fenstern perforiert wird. Es ist ganz richtig bemerkt das das Fehlen von Kontrolle mit Wahrheit zu tun hat.

[It’s true: It’s about losing control, it’s still about losing control. What is, is perforated, perforated in a controlled way, everything else is then

the knocking in, the leaking out, is removed from control. It must be perforated purposefully, like a building is perforated by windows. It is quite rightly noticed that the absence of control has to do with truth.]

  1. Autonom

    Es wird Zeit
    dass wir das Lassen
    durch jede Pore
    wie das Herz
    bis in die letzte Ecke des Geistes
    Über mir
    Unter mir
    Neben mir

  2. But how do you* let go of control once the perforation is done to make room for the truth (or vulnerability or whatever else) to come spilling out? Is there a point when you know when to stop perforating? How do you decide when and how to perforate with purpose, with controlled intent? Can you be perforated by external forces — by art or words or nature or another person — so there’s even less control involved on your part? I think about a building full of water or sand. The windows or doors control the pouring out. But the water or sand doesn’t have any say in the matter. 

    *you = anyone, people in general

    P.S. Based on this, Truth and Control would have been good fighters in the Rede/Speech Ringkampf segment

  3. These are a lot of good questions.
    I found this little snippet of text in one of my “Kladden” from the early eighties, so the thought was not fresh, but maybe worth to be included here.
    If I sink deep into this, maybe I find some new answers. Certainly it shows what I was doing back then.

    • I’ve been thinking about that through all the lockdowns, which seemed to be especially tough for those with control issues. These are good questions, indeed, and the answers might be quite essencial.

    • Also, I always think of “Haus der Luege” as the borderline album, graciously balancing between the ability of losing control, of letting things go — and the urge to keep it by all means.

    • Ah, I wasn’t even thinking that these daily posts were coming from past, several decades old, writings, but that’s interesting in and of itself. Not presenting any context with the Daily Blixa posts leaves a lot of room for rambling questions from people like me. All kidding aside, I think you’re right, it is worth being included here. If you have the ability or the desire to sink deeply, I’d be interested in what comes up. But the original thought has value on its own as a fragment of a snapshot of you in the early 80s.

  4. Which reminds me of Becketts famous German Letter 1937:
    “Hoffentlich kommt die Zeit, sie ist ja Gott sei Dank in gewissen Kreisen schon da, wo die Sprache da am besten gebraucht wird, wo sie am tüchtigsten missbraucht wird. Da wir sie so mit einem Male nicht ausschalten können, wollen wir wenigstens nichts versäumen, was zu ihrem Verruf beitragen mag. Ein Loch nach dem andern in ihr zu bohren, bis das Dahinterkauernde, sei es etwas oder nichts, durchzusickern anfängt”

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