This new project

After the lockdown in March, Blixa has tried a number of ways to keep connected to EN supporters via the Internet, by way of quarantine blogs and cooking shows and related activities.

As it’s currently not possible for the Neubauten to go on tour as originally planned, Blixa is now exploring the possibility of doing some writing from home, with participation and support from those of you who might be interested in the process and results.

To be clear: no new music is going to be produced.  If all goes well, one or maybe even two books may be written, and/or translated.  You will have access to some of the writing process, and you may also take part by editing or translating or just discussing.  There will be some live aspects (webcasts) but mostly it’s going to be text-based, most likely in German and English and whatever else you can bring.

We want to look more into the collaborative and community building nature of of a website, with tools that are easier to use but possibly harder to manage. You are encouraged to share what you’re doing, reading, listening, watching, creating with the supporter community, in hopes of cross-fertilization, of making connections.

Please be respectful and constructive.

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    • I πŸ–€ Ententraining πŸ––πŸΎπŸ˜‚

      • Ist das dann hier Duck Dynasty?

        • πŸ˜‚

          • Nicht falsch verstehen bitte

  4. Runaway to Portugal? Why you can’t go to a recording studio? It’s not the bubonic plague outside and we are all still working here with other people together. This is a bit disturbing.

    • I don’t think we need to share personal health information to the public.

      • Of coz not, I never asked for that. Get well soon and all the best, to whom it may concern.

  5. Thanks so much for giving us this chance and sharing this process with us Blixa!

  6. Hallo zusammen. Also wenn ich die Situation in der Welt so betrachte, dann passt Hamletmaschine ab Minute 14,48 wieder.

    • Warum kommt der Text anders an wie ich ihn schreibe????????

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