Sept. 8, 2022: Daily Blixa

Nietzsche-Scramble II

Kanonisch zahllose Sonnensysteme flackern von Metaphern, Metonymien, werden zu unterlassen: kommen einen Blick zu betrachten.

[Nietzsche Scramble II

Canonically countless solar systems flicker with metaphors, metonymies, are refrained from: come a look.]

  1. Hence our desire
    For a Sonnenbarke
    Into the unknown so
    It might be known
    So we subjugate
    And reduce
    To a nugget
    To devour
    Looking outward
    To next victim

    • Sorry, I love Sonnenbarke,
      One of my favorites,
      Yet my cynicism
      Still rises here and now

  2. Antizirkus

    19.00 Uhr
    Kein Einlass
    Welkepunkt der Kippkultur

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