Upcoming Live Dates

We are pleased to announce some upcoming live dates where Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld will be performing: Nov. 2, 2022: Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala Konsert & KongressBuy Tickets Dec. 4th, 2022: Vienna, AustriaInfo about the festival DESERTSHORE Bu...Read More

TTBB Tour Dates

We are doing our best right now to confirm new dates for the concerts we had to postpone from 2023, and add new locations. Click here for the latest confirmed dates and links to buy tickets.    

Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld return with a double live album: Live in Berlin

The album contains the complete setlist of their concert at the Sonic Morgue in Berlin on December 6th 2022. Listen or order from the official Italian shop here. This summary of their record production involved emotionally the audience who came from ...Read More

Single “Nirgendheim” from Upcoming Live TT&BB Album

We are very pleased to announce the release of a single “Nirgendheim” from the upcoming TT&BB live album release, which is a recording from the live concert they performed in Berlin on Dec. 6th, 2022 (which we had webcast on this site...Read More

Rare Solo Performance Saturday 11/11/23

The first solo performance since the pandemic will take place this Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023, as part of the SoundEdit ’23 festival in Łódź, Poland. Info / Tickets

Upcoming Performance: June 15th @ Holland Festival

Blixa will be composing the libretto for and taking part in this performance: https://hollandfestival.nl/en/dark-skies

Dec. 26, 2022: Daily Blixa

Schlafstellungen und -Termini Mein Kopf ein Ei, in einem Dinosaurier-Gelege, ein Nest auf einem Felsabsatz, Moos. (Es sind noch andere Eier da, aber kleiner.) Mein Körper verborgen in einem Tunnel, MRT, Blitzröhre. Wie sieht das Muttertier aus? Wie g...Read More

Dec. 25, 2022: Daily Blixa

Wir sind alle achtkantig Wir passen nie zusammen [We’re all octagonal We never fit together]

Dec. 24, 2022: Daily Blixa

Die Versammlung: Die Fundstücke bestaunen die Betrachter.

Dec. 23, 2022: Daily Blixa

Sie steigt auf, ein Krokodil, das unter ihren Rock schnappt, ihre Kopfbedeckung wird von ihrem stecknadelkopfschweren Vater beschwert, seine Nase verwandelt sich in eine Zahnbürste und das Gegenteil davon (sie ist nicht da, der Vater atmet, aber es i...Read More

Dec. 22, 2022: Daily Blixa

Fantastereien sind mein Broterwerb [Fantasties are my bread and butter]