Dec. 28, 2020: Daily Blixa

(at the end of time)
where even a beam of light goes astray,
everything is flat,
nothing has a shadow.

  1. Nichts
    in Eins
    in Alles

    Zeiten irren unbeirrt
    Anfang endlos – noch

    Schatten sich
    am Licht entzünden

    in Eins

    endlos unbeirrt

    Flügel stutzt
    das Licht

    in Nichts

    Zeiten finden
    sich am Ende

    seinen Schatten

    Alles Eins
    Alles Nichts

    Ein Aschekrater

    Im Nichts
    ein Lichtstrahl

  2. Ist die Rückseite von einem Schwarzen Loch ein Weißes Loch?

  3. A stream of dark
    penetrates the light
    muting the expected

    everything is shadow
    eyes adjusting anew
    take a new shape

    grows thrives
    walks runs strives
    a new form finds a new light

    not as the old light
    maybe let us down
    the old is ours to disown

    fingers toes
    scritch and scratch
    sticks strike a new spark

  4. Drink tea and, in the meantime, your life ends as it happens with heroes of Chekhov, let your life be extinguished while you stir the tea properly and you praise its taste and aroma.
    So, as a heroe of Chekhov or as Chekhov himself, oppose your good upbringing to the vulgarity of pain.
    A. Ch.

  5. Nothing is the shadow
    Time just need one word


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