
Dec. 15, 2021: Daily Blixa

flieglochmüdigkeit [fly hole fatigue]

Dec. 14, 2021: Daily Blixa

: i enjoy anchovies i enjoy perfume, maybe not necessarily madness, but who knows? maybe i even enjoy being in a silver frame…

Dec. 13, 2021: Daily Blixa

Tintenbrot The answer is yes, as usual [Ink bread The answer is yes, as usual]

Dec. 12, 2021: Daily Blixa

if you open the door the whole catholic trash of the centuries will return [quando si apre la porta: la spazzatura tutta cattolica torna ai secoli.]

Dec. 11, 2021: Daily Blixa

I try to put the pieces back in the box but there will either be no space and pieces left or simply not enough

Dec. 10, 2021: Daily Blixa

Interesting spam: From: Mahatma G. Stilettoes Subject: Hey, man! 🙂 Date: 17. Juni 2005 12:01:29 GMT+08:00 To: Me Greetings, white man! 🙂

Dec. 9, 2021: Daily Blixa

Der Astronaut John Glenn wird mit über siebzig Jahren noch einmal ins All geschossen: Um theologische Experimente durchzuführen. [The astronaut John Glenn is shot into space again at the age of seventy: to carry out theological experiments.]

Dec. 8, 2021: Daily Blixa

Polizei: Warmwasserwerfer Handschellenring Liebreizgas Vorschlagstock