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Nov 13, 2020: Daily Blixa

Es regnete Ich schlug das Fenster ein Das halbe Zimmer wehte weg Die unnützen Dinge zuerst man lernt nie aus

Live Q&A Sunday 17:00 Berlin time

Dear all, we will have a live Q&A with Blixa on Sunday, Nov. 15, at 17:00 Berlin time, please convert to your time zone of convenience 🙂 He will talk a bit about the current writing/editing projects, and answer your questions. The Q&A will run over (well moderated) Zoom, you will have to learn to “raise hands” in Zoom if you want to ask questions.  Everyone will be muted except for the one person speaking. The Q&A will be recorded and made available on the website fo...Read More

Nov 12, 2020: Daily Blixa

könnten ueberzeugte veganer fleischfressende pflanzen essen?

Nov 11, 2020: Daily Blixa

let me eat my madeleines in peace…

Song text translations

Posted by Blixa in the forum: I believe that apart from the three pillars I have already mentioned (Book: 365 a collection of notes / Book: Autobio / Songs: For everyone to use) there is another book to come: “Headcleaner 2” (working title) , which should contain the lyrics to all the songs I have written since ENDE NEU, not just EN stuff but everything. Maybe some other texts too. AND THOSE NEED TRANSLATIONS if not already in existence. I’ve asked my music publisher for a list of titles they ha...Read More

Nov 9, 2020: Daily Blixa

…und dann in der tasche ein zusammengefalteter zettel auf dem nur steht :  “sie laechelt”

Nov 8, 2020: Daily Blixa

Steiler Abstieg in den Gedankenansatz hinter der Stirn. Sind die Gedanken eingeschlossen in einem Lied, haben sie vielleicht überlebt.