Blog Large – Modern (Left)

Aug. 25, 2021: Daily Blixa

protestant coffee is thin and acidic

Aug. 24, 2021: Daily Blixa

Mein Haus schmilzt [My house is melting]

Aug. 23, 2021: Daily Blixa

Don’t identify with your passport. Don’t keep it over your heart

Aug. 22, 2021: Daily Blixa

Where are you going? Taking water to the prisoners.

Aug. 21, 2021: Daily Blixa

I’m sitting in my chair feeling very Pestalozzi very A.S.Neill

Aug. 20, 2021: Daily Blixa

In des Messers Klinge: die Reflektion. [In the knife’s blade: the reflection.]

Aug. 19, 2021: Daily Blixa

Chromosomen = Reflektionen der Fenster. [Chromosomes = reflections from the windows.]

Aug. 18, 2021: Daily Blixa

Die Zeit Organisieren. Der Zeit eine Leber machen, ein Herz geben, Nieren, Zeitlymphen und am allergrößten: Die Haut der Zeit. [Organize the time. Making a liver for time, giving it a heart, kidneys, time lymphs and, the largest: the skin of time.]