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Aug. 16, 2021: Daily Blixa

Die Krankheiten wechseln mit den Orten. Krankheiten haften an Orten [The diseases change with the places. Diseases cling to places]

Aug. 15, 2021: Daily Blixa

The little pain I have God must be very small

Aug. 14, 2021: Daily Blixa

The one sentence: This is not it.

Aug. 13, 2021: Daily Blixa

Der Himmel ist isoliert. [Heaven is isolated.]

Aug. 12, 2021: Daily Blixa

Bad in Marmor Grau und weiß Nackte Körper und Eisschollen [Bathroom in marble Gray and white Naked bodies and ice floes]

Aug. 11, 2021: Daily Blixa

6:37 Uhr Es ist immer 6:37 Uhr [6:37 am Its always 6:37 am]

Aug. 10, 2021: Daily Blixa

Berlin / Mitte: jogging with dry cleaning in one hand