The first solo performance since the pandemic will take place this Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023, as part of the SoundEdit ’23 festival in Łódź, Poland. Info / Tickets
In preparation for a project next spring called Flammenwerfer (some details here), Blixa has been working with some musicians recording some material, which will have in the future additional women’s choir and Blixa’s singing etc. Here’s a bit of them in the studio listening to a p...
Hopefully in time for the upcoming concert dates, here’s the album cover of the double album, TTBB Live in Berlin (click on it for full sized picture).
Thanks for still being here! Or coming back here! Or a few of you: new here! As Blixa is working on some new material for new projects (no, not a solo album) and also still working with Teho Teardo on new and existing material, this seems like the right place to put relevant content, snippets from w...
Blixa will be composing the libretto for and taking part in this performance:
Schlafstellungen und -Termini Mein Kopf ein Ei, in einem Dinosaurier-Gelege, ein Nest auf einem Felsabsatz, Moos. (Es sind noch andere Eier da, aber kleiner.) Mein Körper verborgen in einem Tunnel, MRT, Blitzröhre. Wie sieht das Muttertier aus? Wie gross ist es? Brüten Dinosaurier? [Sleeping positio...
Wir sind alle achtkantig Wir passen nie zusammen [We’re all octagonal We never fit together]
Die Versammlung: Die Fundstücke bestaunen die Betrachter.