Blog Grid – Classic (3 Columns)

Dec. 27, 2021: Daily Blixa

Look, you’re working in a record company Maybe one day you’re gonna be vize-president Maybe you’re g...

Dec. 26, 2021: Daily Blixa

i’m drinking darkness swallow all the stars inside

Dec. 25, 2021: Daily Blixa

ROTWEIN: d.h. gute Nachrichten ohne Sektenschmuh [RED WINE: that is, good news without sectarian non...

Dec. 24, 2021: Daily Blixa

The great perhaps, the way my mother used to make it.

Dec. 23, 2021: Daily Blixa

It’s harder to light a bridge than a tower.

Dec. 22, 2021: Daily Blixa

The tongue is not connected to the tastebuds the tastebuds are not connected to the tongue

Dec. 21, 2021: Daily Blixa

I like to read the dessert menu [to you] learn it by heart and see if it rhymes

Dec. 20, 2021: Daily Blixa

vor mir auf der Strasse: ein Brabbelmann [in front of me on the street: a babbler]

Dec. 19, 2021: Daily Blixa

Zwischen dem leuchtenden Punkt der Vergangenheit und dem, was noch nicht ist. [Between the shining p...